Even a minor car accident can put your body and mind through incredible strain. As your body copes with forces and speeds that it was not designed to handle, you may experience both short and long term effects due to the impact of the collision. Proper treatment and care can help your body heal and recuperate so you can return to physical and emotional health.
When you are in a major or minor car accident, you need physical rehabilitation to prevent further damage and ensure a successful recovery. Delaying treatment may result in chronic pain, temporary and permanent disability, or lasting feelings of helplessness and fear.
Palm Wellness Center’s car accident rehabilitation program provides you with a comprehensive treatment plan to ease your pain and stress. Take charge of your recovery today by calling Palm Wellness Center at (813) 443-5370 to schedule your appointment. For more information, visit www.palmwellness.center or call us at (813) 443-5370.