1004 W Linebaugh Ave Ste A, Tampa, FL 33612
Mon - Fri, 10 AM - 7 PM. Saturday by appointment
Licenses HCCA10302 & MM28422
(813) 443-5370

Prevention And Management Of Osteoporosis

Prevention And Management Of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a serious condition that causes the bones to weaken, affecting your back, hip, and wrist. It is considered to be a silent disease because it doesn’t show any symptoms at all.

People with osteoporosis are at high risk of fractures due to the decrease in bone density and low production of bone tissue. When this happens, you are susceptible to slip and fall and other life-threatening injuries. Fractured bones, if left untreated, cause severe pain and disability. For advanced osteoporosis, poor posture and spine curvature occur.

How to Prevent and Manage Osteoporosis

There is no cure for Osteoporosis, but early prevention, detection and management can minimize the risk, avoid damage, reduce pain, and promote stronger and healthier bones.

  • Vitamin D and Calcium. Calcium is an essential mineral found in the body to help strengthen and maintain healthy bones. Vitamin D, on the other hand, supports calcium absorption in the body. These vitamins and minerals are found in green leafy vegetables, high-fat fish, fruits, and dairy products. Doctors also prescribe Vitamin D and calcium supplements to help improve bone health.
  • Strength and Balance Exercises. Exercising regularly is one of the best preventions for osteoporosis. Strength and balance training can help in the increase of bone density, prevent slip and fall injuries, improve muscle strength and reduce your risk of other bone diseases. Consult a professional to start planning the right workout program and begin your healthy journey.
  • Avoid an Unhealthy Lifestyle. Drinking excessive alcohol and smoking contributes to the decrease of bone density, resulting in osteoporosis. It is better to avoid these unhealthy lifestyles and start changing bad habits. Eating right, doing physical activities, and getting proper nutrition should be your priority.
  • Bone Mass Density Test. A Bone Density Test examines the minerals in your bones using X-rays. The test helps detect and diagnose osteoporosis or identify when you are at risk of developing osteoporosis. This is also necessary to identify the possibility of your bones getting fractured in the future. This way the physician will analyze the condition of your bone health and recommend the right treatment and preventive measures ahead of time.
  • Physical Therapy. Physical Therapy is vital in the rehabilitation process. Therapists are well-versed in providing the right therapeutic exercises to improve the quality of life and speed up the recovery period among patients with osteoporosis. The exercises performed play a vital role in improving mobility and balance, increasing bone mass density, preventing and treating fractures, and alleviating pain.
If you are still in your younger years, it is never too late to make some changes in your lifestyle and help your bone health improve. It is necessary to take action in order to prevent osteoporosis from developing and causing harm to your body in the future.

Do not delay your consultations any longer. Get yourself checked at Palm Wellness Center. Schedule an appointment with us today at (813) 443-5370.

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