If you suffer from problems with your balance, you know how much it can impact your daily life. Fortunately, there is hope: Palm Wellness Center offers physical rehabilitation to help you regain your balance, stability, and mobility. This blog post covers some therapeutic exercises that can help improve your balance so you can move freely and steadily.
Our movement experts can help you improve your strength, range of motion, and balance.
Your healthcare provider may refer you for rehabilitation or balance training if you have difficulty with any of the following:
If you are dealing with balance problems, the exercises discussed below can help. However, do not delay getting the treatment you need. A supervised balance training program will provide feedback, personalized instruction, and assistance tailored to your specific needs.
Specific exercises can help improve balance and gait disorders and help you move about your day independently and safely.
The following four physical therapy treatments work to improve your vision, nerves, muscles, the vestibular system as well as overall health in order to maintain a steady balance.
Be honest with your healthcare provider if a particular exercise is too easy or too hard for you or if it causes pain.
If you have any specific needs you want to work on, do not be afraid to let them know, too. In that way, they can better customize your treatment.
The single-leg stance is meant to enhance your balance. It works your thighs, buttocks, and abdominal muscles. It can also teach you how to maintain your hips squared and level even while balancing on one leg.
This is an important skill, especially for any kind of physical activity that requires you to move weight from one leg to the other. It helps whenever you are turning a corner or stopping yourself from falling.
Start by doing 5 repetitions on alternate legs. You can build up to 10 repetitions per leg each day or stick with five repetitions while gradually raising your leg higher as your strength and balance improve.
This activity tests your balance and your gait, the pattern in which your body moves.
Your healthcare provider may ask you to try this to see if your gait disorders/ balance problems could be related to a hip injury or possibly a neurological health disorder like Parkinson's disease.
This exercise strengthens the connection between all 3 balance systems at once. It trains them to communicate fast when your focus or attention suddenly changes.
Everyday physical activity involves maintaining your balance when your attention is being pulled in many different directions. Regular exercise can help you become more stable and confident when you're in a crowded place or busy moving into your workplace.
You may be doing this at home and feel like you still need to hold onto something. If so, ask someone trusted to walk next to you if you lose balance. Some may also find it helpful to use a cane.
This helps build the connection between your inner-ear and proprioceptive systems, keeping your lower body stable if you become wobbly or dizzy.
Regular practice can also strengthen your proprioceptive system to keep your ability to balance even when your surroundings may be disorienting, thus improving gait disorders.
This physical activity may be more difficult for some people prone to travel sickness.
If you're experiencing symptoms including chest pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness while doing balance exercises, you should stop immediately. Be sure to let your healthcare provider know, or call for medical assistance.
We will likely check your balance first. This determines if any specific physical activity, such as turning or standing from a seated position, is harder for you than others.
Your therapist will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan for gait disorders. This aims to improve your balance, safety, and ability to carry out your daily routine on your own.
In some cases, such as having a stroke, your balance exercises may be used with other treatments as part of an overall health plan.
For older adults, balance exercises are especially important because they can help you prevent falls and maintain independence.
While physical rehabilitation aims to improve your health and function as much as possible, it may not always be possible to fully restore balance and stability, and results may vary.
Balance or gait disorder can affect your ability to function in daily life activities.
A physical assessment and balance exercise program can help to improve your balance and function and reduce your risk of developing more serious health conditions.
If you think your health would benefit from a balance program or would like to consult with qualified therapists for further information and health tips, schedule an appointment with us at (813) 443-5370 or visit www.palmwellness.center.